Make sure your job ad is complete with the job ad checklist

A well written job ad helps you to attract great talent, promote your company’s brand, and stand out among the competition. But did you know a detailed job ad can also save you time by attracting the right person for your team and limiting candidates that are not suitable for the role?

We’ve developed a checklist to help you build out your job ad - to make sure you’re including all the information candidates want to know about your role, your company and what it’s like to work in your team.

Job Title

  • Avoid using jargon or internal titles
    • Job ads that use industry standard titles are more likely to be seen by candidates.

Salary Information

  • Include a salary or salary range:
    • Job ads that display salary information usually receive, on average, 64% more applications than ones that don’t.


  • Be as specific as possible when it comes to where the role is located.  
    • If it is hybrid or for various locations, include this information

About the company

  • Include a overview of your company.
    •  Size, location, industry, etc.
  • Share selling points that highlight why it’s a great place to work.
    • Workplace perks, company culture, social activities, etc.

About the role

  • Provide accurate and essential information about the role:
    • What are the reporting lines?
    • What is the team size? 
    • Who are the stakeholders?
    • How will this role contribute to the success of the company?

Duties/Key responsibilities

  • Provide 4 or 5 of the core duties. Bullet points are an effective way of listing duties.

Skills and experience

  • List the skills and experience a candidates would need to succeed in the role.
    • Are there any qualifications that applicants must have? 
    • How much experience (if any) do applicants need?


  • Introduce candidates to your company’s culture through a video or provide detail around.
    • Why do people enjoy working at your company? 
    • What kind of people thrive at your company?
    • What is the work/life balance like at your company?


  • Highlight the best parts about the role and working for your company.  
    • Learning and development programs
    •  Flexible work policies;  
    • Share options  
    • Mentoring programs, etc

How to apply

  • Provide details around how to apply and what to include in their application. 
    • Is a cover letter required?  
    • Is a Working with Children or Police check required?

You can also download the checklist below.

For more advice on job ads, take a look at SEEK’s ad writing tips. You’ll find practical tips and advice to help you write a great job ad.

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