New job? 3 things to add to your SEEK Profile

New job? 3 things to add to your SEEK Profile
SEEK content teamupdated on 02 October, 2020

Unlike paper and emailed documents, which – by their very nature – become outdated quickly, an online presence offers the ability to showcase your latest and most relevant selling points as a candidate to future employers.

Kristine Tuazon, Principal Consultant for Good People HR, says it’s crucial to keep your online profile updated – especially if you hope to be scouted for that dream job. 

Your profile always needs to be up-to-date because the rate of change within businesses is happening quicker than ever before.”

Kristine says updating your online presence whenever you move into a new role is also a good way to declutter and maintain your profile as you go so it remains relevant.

If you’ve recently accepted a new position, these are the three key things to add to your SEEK profile ASAP.

  1. Your new job title. Your current job title can tell potential employers a lot about you in just a few words, including your position and seniority, your specialisation, and your industry. Whether you’ve secured a promotion, moved into a new field, or taken a sideways step into a new kind of role within the same industry, including your new job title in your profile will give employers seeking talent a clear indication of the experience you offer, and whether you could be the right fit for the role they’re looking to fill.

  2. Skills you learned in your last job. Consider what new skills you developed in your last role and highlight these in your updated profile. Skills are what sell you as a candidate, and prospective employers will be looking to your listed skills and competencies to determine how closely you match what they need from an employee.

    For example, if you recently developed your team work skills, make sure your SEEK profile shows you’re a team player. If your last role saw you learn a new technology program such as Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Excel, highlight this in your profile while pointing to the benefit of this skill for future employers.

  3. What you achieved in your last job. It’s one thing to have the skills that employers are looking for – it’s another to demonstrate how you used those skills to get results. Listing your achievements shows future employers that you can walk the talk and contribute to the success of their business, so don’t be afraid to toot your own horn when it comes to highlighting what you achieved in your last role.

    Did you increase sales? Reduce workplace hazards? Secure a new client? Set a record for productivity? If so, tell the world about it. You may be surprised at just how much you achieved in your last position when you think about your time there in terms of results.
More from this category: Applying for jobs

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