Have a great job? How to find a better one

The best time to look for a new job is when you're happy. If you're content you have the time and mental space to find your next role.

When “one day” comes along and you want a new job or to jump to the next salary level you’ll have done the groundwork to walk into the perfect job. 

Here’s how:

  • Keep your profile up-to-date.  Even if you’re not job hunting, employers and recruiters may be keeping an eye on you, or people like you. Updates and small tweaks to your SEEK profile keeps it current and in employers eyes. It’s much easier to get a job if you’re known in the marketplace.
  • Upgrade your CV.  CVs date quite quickly. Take a critical look at your existing CV and see if the content is up-to-date and that you’re using active rather than passive language. You should also add any new skills you’ve learned since your last CV update. That doesn’t just mean official courses or credits. It could be on-the-job learning or volunteer experience.
  • Set up saved searches. Being happy now doesn’t stop you looking at what jobs are available in the marketplace. The next perfect role might pop up when you least expect it. Set up saved searches in SEEK for jobs or employers that interest you. The email results from saved searches can really help clarify your thinking.
  • Network. Get out to industry events and make contact with people who can advance your cause. If you’re an introvert you’ll need to learn to like networking events. If you’re introduced to someone ask about them if you’re shy about speaking about yourself.  People will like you for it and it could land you your next role.
  • Target great companies. Shortlist companies or departments you’d love to work for and make contacts. If your ideal move is internal, get involved in cross department projects.  If you’re targeting another company, find out ways to cross paths with people that matter at that organisation. They may be involved in industry wide initiatives that you could join.  
  • Ask for a meeting or interview. Once you’ve made contact, suggest a meeting or informal interview. You’ll put yourself firmly on the company or department’s radar by doing this.
  • Learn. Whatever your job there is always more you can learn. Look for short or online courses that can help round out your existing skills.
  • Volunteer. Check out SEEK Volunteer for roles that could help showcase your skills, add credible experience to your CV, or lead directly to new job opportunities with the charity or organisations you come across whilst volunteering.
  • Get help. If you need help planning your future, see a career coach. Money spent on a few sessions now could pay off handsomely in the future.

Finally, stay happy in your role. It’s a real bonus to love your job. 

The next perfect role might pop up when you least expect it.